.. cmake-manual-description: build utility script for UPS-compatible builds. buildtool(1) ************ .. program:: buildtool Synopsis ======== .. parsed-literal:: :program:`buildtool` [:ref:`mode-option `\|\ :ref:`combo-option ` ...] [:ref:`misc-options `] [``--`` [:ref:`CMake build options `]\ [``--`` :ref:`generator options `]] :program:`buildtool`\ :option:`--help`\|\ :option:`-h` :program:`buildtool`\ :option:`--usage` :ref:`Exclusive mode options `: :option:`-A`\|\ :option:`--all` :option:`-C`\|\ :option:`--cmake-only` :option:`--info` :ref:`Other mode options `: :option:`-b`\|\ :option:`--build` :option:`-i`\|\ :option:`--install` :option:`-p`\|\ :option:`--package` :option:`--sc`\|\ :option:`--short-circuit` :option:`-t`\|\ :option:`--test` :ref:`Combo mode options `: :option:`-R`\|\ :option:`--release` :option:`-T`\|\ :option:`--test-all` :ref:`Miscellaneous options `: | :option:`-c`\|\ :option:`--clean` | :option:`--clean-logs` | :option:`--cmake-debug` | :option:`--cmake-trace` | :option:`--cmake-trace-expand` | :option:`-D <-D\>`\ ```` | :option:`--deleted-header[s]` ``
``\ [, ``
``] ... | :option:`-E`\|\ :option:`--export-compile-commands` | :option:`-f`\|\ :option:`--force-top` | :option:`-G <-G\>`\ ````\|\ :option:`--generator` ````\ [:\ ````] | :option:`-g` ````\|\ :option:`--graphviz`\ =\ ```` [:option:`--gfilt`\ [=\ ````\ [,\ ````] ...]] | :option:`-I`\|\ :option:`--install-prefix` ```` | :option:`--iwyu`\ [=\ ````] | :option:`-j` ``#`` | :option:`--L` ```` | :option:`--LE` ```` | :option:`-l`\|\ :option:`--log`\ [=\ ````]|\ :option:`--log-file`\ [=\ ````] | :option:`--no-pc`\|\ :option:`--no-preset-configure` | :option:`--pc`\|\ :option:`--preset-configure` ```` | :option:`-q`\|\ :option:`--quiet` | :option:`-s`\|\ :option:`--subdir` | :option:`--tee` | :option:`--test-labels`\|\ :option:`--labels`\|\ :option:`--test-groups`\|\ :option:`--groups` ````\ [``<;|,>``] ... | :option:`-v`\|\ :option:`--verbose` | :option:`-X <-X\>`\ `` ``\ [,\ ````] ... Description =========== Despite the bewildering array of available options, :program:`buildtool` is intended to simplify the task of building and debugging code, producing packages for use with `UPS `_. |UPS| is a **deprecated** domain-specific tool, so if your package is not already reliant on |UPS|, you are _strongly_ encouraged not to start. Instead you should use `CMake `_ directly and/or your favorite IDE or other build manager such as `GNU Make `_ or `ninja `_. .. note:: If your package _does_ rely on |UPS| currently, you are encouraged to investigate :manual:`migrate(1)` to facilitate evolving your package and its dependencies to be buildable via more general means such as `Spack `_, while still being buildable with and for the |UPS| environment. The process of producing a software package from its source consists of multiple steps: * Configuration * Build * Test * Installation * Packaging \ :program:`buildtool` assumes one is using `CMake `_ and the macros and functions defined within Cetmodules inside a |UPS| environment to produce a |UPS| package. This in turn implies the existence of files :file:`ups/{product}.table` :file:`ups/product_deps`, and :file:`ups/setup_for_development`, the latter of which has already been sourced prior to invoking :program:`buildtool`. Options ======= .. _buildtool-mode-options: Modes ----- If any of :option:`--info`, :option:`--cmake-only`, or :option:`--all` are set, they override all other mode options. If any of the other options are selected, they will be executed in their natural order *after* the CMake stage (which is always executed in the :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD` directory) unless :option:`--short-circuit` is used. Exclusive mode options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. option:: -A, --all Execute all stages. .. option:: -C, --cmake-only Execute *only* the CMake stage. .. option:: --info If already configured (CMake has been run at least once since the last clean), give some basic information about the package, then exit. Other mode options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. option:: -b, --build Execute the build stage from the current directory. This is default if no other mode option is specified. .. note:: implies execution of the configuration step unless combined with :option:``--short-circuit``. .. option:: -i, --install Execute the install stage from :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD`. CMake's generated build procedure will ensure that all build targets are up to date, so an accompanying explicit :option:`--build` option is unnecessary. .. option:: -p, --package Execute the package stage from CETPKG_BUILD to create a binary installation archive. As for :option:`--install`, CMake's generated build procedure will ensure that all build targets are up to date so an accompanying explicit :option:`--build` option is unnecessary. Note that :option:`--package` does *not* imply :option:`--install`: the two operations are independent. .. option:: --sc, --short-circuit Execute only the specified stages and not those that might be implied. .. option:: -t, --test Execute configured tests with :program:`ctest` from the current directory. Implies :option:`--build`. .. _buildtool-combo-options: Combo options ------------- .. option:: -R, --release Equivalent to :option:`-t` :option:`--test-labels=RELEASE <--test-labels>`. .. option:: -T, --test-all Equivalent to :option:`-t` :option:`--test-labels=ALL <--test-labels>`. .. _buildtool-misc-options: Miscellaneous options --------------------- .. option:: -c, --clean Remove CMake-generated files and caches and other build products. .. option:: --clean-logs Remove :file:`.log` files in the :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD` top directory. .. option:: --cmake-debug, --cmake-trace, --cmake-trace-expand Add the corresponding CMake debug option (:ref:`--debug-output, --trace, --trace-expand `, respectively) to the command-line options for the configure stage. .. deprecated:: 2.15.00 use :option:`-Xc <-X>` with the corresponding native CMake option. .. option:: -D Pass definitions to the invocation of the CMake stage. A warning shall be issued if this option is specified but the CMake stage is not to be executed. .. option:: --deleted-header[s]
] ... Indicate that named headers have been removed from the source, to allow removal and regeneration of dependency files containing references to same. .. option:: -E, --export-compile-commands Equivalent to :option:`-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=ON <-D\>`. Useful for (e.g.) :program:`clang-tidy`. .. option:: -f, --force-top Force build and test stages (if applicable) to be executed from the top level :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD` area. Otherwise these stages will execute within the context of the user's current directory at invocation if it is below :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD`. :option:`--force-top` is incompatible with :option:`--subdir`. In any event, any relative or unqualified log file will be output relative to the user's current directory at the time buildtool was invoked. .. option:: -G Pass the specified CMake generator string through to CMake. Note that, at this time, only the "Unix Makefiles" and "Ninja" generators are supported by buildtool. Any secondary generator specification is passed through unexamined. .. option:: -g , --graphviz= Ask CMake to produce a code dependency graph in `Graphviz `_ (:file:`.dot`) format. Note that CMake can only tell you about the dependencies about which it knows. Libraries must have their dependencies resolved at library production time (NO_UNDEFINED) in order for the information to be complete. .. option:: --gfilt[=[,] ...] Filter the graphviz output from CMake through :program:cmake-graphviz-filt, with the following options: .. option:: [no-]exes :noindex: With or without executables shown (default without). .. option:: [no-]dicts :noindex: With or without dictionary and map libraries (default without). .. option:: [no-]extlibs :noindex: With or without external library dependencies shown (default without). .. option:: [no-]short-libnames :noindex: Any fully-specified library pathnames are shortened to their basenames (default long). .. option:: [no-]test-tree :noindex: With or without libraries and executabless from the test directory hierarchy (default without). .. option:: [no-]tred :noindex: With or without transitive dependency reduction (default with). Multiple options should be comma-separated. Note that all of these options may be specified in :file:`~/.cgfrc` for the same effect (command-line overrides). .. option:: --generator [:] User-friendly way to specify the generator. Currently supported values are "make" and "ninja" (default make). If (e.g. CodeBlocks) is specified it will be passed through as-is. .. option:: -h, --help Long-form help. .. option:: -I , --install-prefix Specify the location of the private (or public) |UPS| products area into which to install the package if install is requested. Overrides the :envvar:`CETPKG_INSTALL` environment variable and anything already known to CMake. .. option:: --iwyu[=] .. versionadded:: 3.19.00 Specify the location of the `include-what-you-use `_ program (:program:`iwyu`). .. option:: -j <#> Specify the level of parallelism for stages for which it is appropriate (overrides :envvar:`CETPKG_J` if specified). .. option:: --L , --LE Per :program:`ctest`, include (:option:`--L`) or exclude (:option:`--LE`) labels by CMake regular expression. Both options are mutually exclusive with :option:`--test-labels`, :option:`-T`, and :option:`-R`, but not with each other. Specifying one of these options implies :option:`-t`. .. option:: -l, --log[=], --log-file[=] All build output is redirected to the specified log-file, or one with a default name if no other is specified. Unless :option:`--quiet` is also specified, stage information will still be printed to the screen---though see :option:`--tee` below. Note that the short variant does not accept an argument: a log filename will be generated. The long forms should use ``=`` to separate the option from their argument. .. option:: --no-pc, --no-preset-configure .. versionadded:: 3.08.00 Do not use a predefined CMake configure preset. .. seealso:: :option:`--pc` .. option:: --pc , --preset-configure .. versionadded:: 3.06.00 Use the named `CMake configure preset `_ instead of CMake definitions genereated from :file:`ups/product_deps`. Absent this option or :option:`--no-pc`, the preset ``for_UPS`` will be used if defined in :envvar:`CETPKG_SOURCE`\ /:file:`CMakePresets.json`. .. option:: -q, --quiet Suppress all non-error output to the screen (but see :option:`--tee` below). A log file will still be written as normal if so specified. .. option:: -s , --subdir Execute build and install stages from the context of ````, which will be interpreted relative to :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD`. Incompatible with :option:`--force-top`. ```` will be used in preference to the current user directory, even if the latter is a subdirectory of :envvar:`CETPKG_BUILD`. .. option:: --tee Write to a log file (either as specified by :option:`--log` or the default), but copy output to the screen also: :option:`--quiet` is overridden by this option. .. option:: --test-labels=[<;|,>]..., --labels=[<;|,>]..., --test-groups=[<;|,>]..., --groups=[<;|,>]... Specify optional CMake test labels to execute. Test selection is done at :program:`ctest` invocation time. If this option is activated but tests are not to be run, a warning shall be issued. If no labels are selected, then ``DEFAULT`` is selected. A value of ``ALL`` is substituted with all known test labels. A leading ``-`` for a label will lead to its explicit exclusion. See also :option:`--test-all`, and :option:`--release`. Mutually-exclusive with :option:`--L` and :option:`--LE`. .. option:: --usage Short help. .. option:: -v, --verbose Extra information about the commands being executed at each step. .. option:: -X [,]+[,--,[,]+] .. versionadded:: 2.15.00 E\ ``X``\ tra arguments to be passed to the ``C``\ onfigure, ``b``\ uild, ``t``\ est, ``i``\ nstall, or ``p``\ ackage stages. ````\ s will be added at the end of option arguments, while ````\ s will be added at the end of non-option arguments. .. _buildtool-cmake-build-options: CMake build options -------------------- Any options or arguments specified after a single instance of ``--`` (or between two instances of same) will be passed to all stages invoked with ``cmake --build``: the build, install and package stages. .. _buildtool-generator-options: Generator options ----------------- Any options or arguments specified after a second instance of ``--`` will be passed to the configured generator (e.g. "UNIX Makefiles" or "Ninja") for the build stage only. Examples ======== Build, test, install and create a package tarball from scratch with output to a default-named log file, using parallelism: .. code-block:: console buildtool -A -c -l -I -j16 As above, but copying output to screen: .. code-block:: console buildtool -A -c -l --tee -I -j16 The need for the :option:`-I` option may be removed by defining :envvar:`CETPKG_INSTALL`; the explicit parallelism may be similarly avoided by defining (e.g.) :envvar:`CETPKG_J=16 `. To build only a particular target within a subdirectory: .. code-block:: console buildtool --subdir art/Framework/IO/Root -- RootOutput_source.o To build and test only: .. code-block:: console buildtool -t -j16 To install and package only: .. code-block:: console buildtool -i -p -j16 Environment =========== Required -------- .. envvar:: CETPKG_BUILD The path to the build area. Set by sourcing :manual:`ups/setup_for_development `. .. envvar:: CETPKG_SOURCE The path to the source (*i.e.* the top-level :file:`CMakeLists.txt`). Set by sourcing :manual:`ups/setup_for_development `. Optional -------- .. envvar:: CETPKG_INSTALL The installation area (must be a properly-initialized unified-UPS top level directory for the installed products to be usable by UPS). May be overridden by :option:`-I`, but takes precedence over :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX `. .. envvar:: CETPKG_J The default level of parallelism for all appropriate steps; may be overridden by ::option::`-j`. If not specified, the default level of parallelism is controlled by the generator (e.g. ``UNIX Makefiles`` *vs* ``Ninja``).