.. cmake-manual-description: output filter for test reference comparisons filter-output(1) **************** .. program:: filter-output Synopsis ======== .. parsed-literal:: ```` ``[ ...]`` | :program:`filter-output` Description =========== \ :program:`filter-output` is a filter, receiving input on ``STDIN`` and producing output on ``STDOUT``. \ :program:`filter-output` is usually invoked as part of a test configured using the :command:`cet_test` command in order to sanitize the test-output to improve its suitability for comparison with a reference to (e.g.) detect regressions. It may also be used in order to produce such references for later comparison. Details ======= The following transformations are performed on :program:`filter-output`'s input: * Recognizable date/time formats -> ````. * Variable length separator/filler strings of at least 15 consecutive occurrences of the same symbol (``-``, ``=``, ``.``, ``*``, ``~`` or ``/``) -> ``)>``. * Platform identifiers starting with ``Darwin`` or ``Linux`` -> ````. .. admonition:: `art `_ :class: admonition-app * Absolute paths to source files ending in ``_(plugin|module|service|tool).cc`` are truncated to ``/``. * ``TimeReport`` values -> ```` * ``MemReport`` sections are elided. Examples ======== * .. code-block:: console $ my-test | filter-output >my-test-ref.out 2>my-test-ref.err * .. parsed-literal:: :command:`cet_test `\ (my-test HANDBUILT TEST_EXEC my-test REF my-test-ref.out my-test-ref.err)